BCG Digital Ventures

My Role
Interim CEO / GM / Product Director

After MobileBits was acquired by Goodgames I needed a break from starting my own companies and wanted to "relax" a little working for BCG ;)

I thought maybe I do this for 1-2 years and then start something on my own again. I liked it so much that i stayed over 6 years!
I wrote down my learnings here in the blog.

Due to NDA etc. I am not allowed to go too much into detail but I am allowed to show a few website which are public and live and I may or may not have been involved building those. My typical roles at BCGDV were the interim CEO/CPO. I was involved in over 10 ventures at my time at BCGDV.


API based self-service platform for geospatial information (think satellite pics)


Blockchain based platform for artists to sell their physical artworks on their terms


Changing the way how cities move