Delta Engine

My Role
Co-Founder / CEO / CPO

After meinSport.de I was not done with starting my own company and wanted to try again.

Luckily there was a "once every 10 years" opportunity right at this moment: the advent of the iPhone.

I went back to my old co-founders from the gaming time and suggested that they should stop building games for PC & Consoles and start building mobile games - this is the future. They basically told me: ok if you get us some funding then you can join again. So I did organize some funding from the High-Tech-Gründerfonds and we founded MobileBits.

Due to German regulations the HTGF was not allowed to fund "games" so we had to give it a technology twist. That's how the delta engine came about: a cross platform engine which allows things to develop once and then deploy anywhere. This was before sth like Unity existed (or at least we did not know about them).

In the end building the Delta Engine took us several years and we should not have done it ;) We were way too underfunded for such an endeavour and Unity ended up taking this market. We then only used the engine to build our own games.

Still here is a cool marketing coop we did with Microsoft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qnvLa-fbqk

Our Co-Founder Benjamin is still working on the engine here now for more use cases https://deltaengine.net/